Frederik Ponjaert

Full Name

Frederik Ponjaert

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Short bio

Frederik Ponjaert is Researcher and Lecturer at the Institute for European Studies at Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Associate Lecturer in Comparative Regionalism at SciencesPo (IEP-Paris). His research is on comparative regionalism, with an emphasis on European and Asian realities. He equally works on EU external action and inter-regional partnerships, again with a specific focus on Euro-Asian dynamics. More recently, both of these research strands have focussed on the developing EU-japan Relationship in light of the recently signed Economic Partnership and Strategic Partnership Agreements. His teaching covers topics such as “comparative regionalism”, “EU external action” and “EU-East Asian Relations” as well as “Japanese Foreign Policy” and is given alternatively in English, French, Dutch or Japanese.  At the ULB, as both his teaching and research span both European and Asian realities, he is a member of both the Institut d’Études Européennes (IEE) and the East Asian Studies Center (EASt). He is also the scientific coordinator of the GEM Ph.D. School which trains early stage researchers working on “Globalisation, the European Union and Multilateralism”. He is also co-editor of two Routledge book series, the GEM series on ‘Globalisation, Europe and Multilateralism’ and the CES series on “Contemporary Asian Societies”. Recent publications include among other: ‘Japan in East Asia: the Dynamics of Regional Cooperation from a European Perspective’ (Studia Diplomatica, 2007); ‘The EU and its Far-Abroad: Interregional Relations with Other Continents’, in The European Union and Global Governance (Routledge, 2009); ‘Public Research Projects in Europe and East Asia: Cooperation or Competition? A Comparative Analysis of the ITER and Galileo Experiences’ (East Asia, 2010); ‘The Political and Institutional Significance of an EU–Japan Trade and Partnership Agreement’ in The European Union and Japan: A New Chapter in Civilian Power Cooperation? (Routledge, 2015); ‘The EU, China and the WTO: Squaring the Irresistible Force Paradox of the MES Issue’ in ‘Deepening the EU-China Partnership Bridging Institutional and Ideational Differences in an Unstable World, 1st Edition’ (Routledge, 2017); and Developing EU–Japan Relations in a Changing Regional Context A Focus on Security, Law and Policies (Routledge, 2017).

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03-ULB-Université Libre de Bruxelles



Co-funded by the European Union

This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Call HORIZON-CL2-2021-DEMOCRACY-01 – Grant agreement n°101061621

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