How should the EU Navigate Multilateral Cooperation?

How should the EU navigate the increasingly complex - and conflict-laden - institutional spaces of global governance to advance a rules-based international order? And what factors should be emphasized when considering which institutions to strengthen, which to reform, and which to by-pass when revitalising multilateralism? To examine these questions and provide recommendations to the EU, NAVIGATOR brings together 13 leading academic and non-academic institutions, hailing from 11 different countries across four continents. The project runs from March 2023 until February 2027.

Work packages

NAVIGATOR is organised in 9 work packages

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Meet Prof. Chloé Brière: Leading NAVIGATOR’s Migration Work Package

Posted in News

Prof. Chloé Brière from the Université Libre de Bruxelles leads NAVIGATOR’s Migration Work Package. In this brief video, she shares how the project aims to strengthen the EU’s position in an increasingly polarized world by advancing coordinated migration policies

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    Co-funded by the European Union

    This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Call HORIZON-CL2-2021-DEMOCRACY-01 – Grant agreement n°101061621

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