Newsletter December 2023-August 2024

Progress in Global Governance: Key Updates from the Second NAVIGATOR Newsletter 

We are excited to share the latest developments from NAVIGATOR! Our second newsletter, which covers December 2023 to July 2024, is now available. Click here to open it in your browser: NAVIGATOR Newsletter: December 2023-August 2024.

This edition features three major updates:

1.Foundational Scientific Output

  • NAVIGATOR Methodology: Leonard Seabrooke and Ole Jacob Sending’s November 2023 working paper laid the groundwork for NAVIGATOR’s methodology, detailing the development of a sophisticated search tool. This tool is designed to assess and compare multilateral organizations, including public, private, and hybrid entities, to guide actionable strategies for enhancing multilateralism.
  • Search Costs in Global Governance: Published in February 2024, this working paper by Ole Jacob Sending, Leonard Seabrooke, and John Karlsrud introduces the concept of “search costs” in global governance. It explores how policymakers can navigate the complex landscape of governance options by balancing effectiveness, legitimacy, and resource allocation in an increasingly fragmented global order.

2. Expanding the Team

  • Establishment of Three Expert Groups: NAVIGATOR has formed three expert groups, bringing together 41 scholars, policymakers, and activists from around the world. These groups will provide high-level expertise and contribute to the project’s research, helping to address global governance challenges and support EU foreign policy goals.
  • New Team Members: NAVIGATOR has welcomed three new team members. Daniel Müth joins as a postdoctoral researcher focusing on global climate policy, Olga Mikheeva brings her expertise in financial governance and the Green Transition, and Carla Moll takes on the role of coordinating ECFR’s work within the project.

3. Events

  • May Mid-Term Review: The NAVIGATOR team participated in a mid-term review with the European Commission and external experts, receiving feedback to ensure the project’s alignment with EU strategic priorities.
  • June Board Meeting: Held in Brussels, this meeting brought together researchers and partner organizations to evaluate progress and set the course for the next phases of the project.
  • First Expert Group Meeting: In June, NAVIGATOR hosted its inaugural expert groups meeting in Brussels, where discussions focused on how the EU can best support multilateral and transnational democracy. These insights will inform an initial report to be released in winter 2024.

4. Stay Tuned

  • Exciting developments are on the horizon! NAVIGATOR will soon launch its podcast series, featuring an interview with Principal Investigator John Karlsrud. Additionally, short videos from the first expert groups meeting and more scientific material will be published.

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Co-funded by the European Union

This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Call HORIZON-CL2-2021-DEMOCRACY-01 – Grant agreement n°101061621

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