3. Climate change

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  • Work Package No WP3
  • Name Climate change
  • Lead VU
  • Participating Institutions VU, NUPI, CBS, ULB, UB, UO, Wits
  • Activity March ’24 – Feb ’27

Short description

Building on the NAVIGATOR analytical framework outlined in the proposal, WP3 will apply the framework to the climate change domain.

Main objectives


Map the relevant governance configurations identifying key multilateral institutions and organizations.


Analyse and predict emerging trade-offs between governance instruments.


Provide options for proactively engaging in institutional re-design and optimization of the overall global climate.


Governance architecture, focusing on the EU as a key actor.

Core tasks



  • Mapping the complex multilateral governance domain of climate change March ’24 - March ’25

We can observe a paradigmatic shift in climate change governance from a classic multilateral arena to an emerging hybrid and complex domain of global climate governance with significant institutional variation and different types of innovative governance arrangements. In this task VU will map the complex multilateral governance domain of climate change, updating and improving various existing mapping exercises. Other partners will contribute on the politics of energy transitions (NUPI) and the impact of global security considerations on climate change governance (Wits). The results will be uploaded to the NAVIGATOR data nest and be published as working paper to be presented at the International Studies Association’s annual conference, and then revised and submitted as an academic article to the International Studies Review.



  • Identifying options for the EU in the domain of climate change April ’24 – Dec. ’27

With complexity comes great accountability. In a system that lacks hierarchical control, democratic oversight, and transparency, how can we effectively detect and sanction failure and down-right green-washing? VU will take the lead in an analysis of a range of options to improve accountability in the climate change regime complex from a European perspective. CBS and UB will contribute on overlapping domains of climate change and finance and ULB on EU perspectives. VU will lead on weighing options to better align existing institutional arrangements with EU priorities via pathway actions for the EU, with support from the other partners. The results will be uploaded to the NAVIGATOR data nest, then published as working paper and be presented at the International Studies Association’s annual conference, and then revised and submitted as an academic article to Climate Services.



  • NAVIGATOR in global climate change Aug. ’26 - Feb. ‘27

In task 3 VU, with support of the other team members, will analyse the degree of coherence among multiple instruments, identify synergistic and conflictive institutional arrangements within the regime complex, and provide pathways of action for the EU and its member states. This will result in a policy brief.


  • D3.1 month 24 – Feb.’25

    Working paper on mapping the hybrid climate governance arena and key multilateral institutions

  • D3.2 month 36 – Feb.’26

    Working paper on action pathways in the climate change regime for the EU

  • D3.3 month 48 – Feb.’27

    Global NAVIGATOR policy brief on the climate change regime complex

Co-funded by the European Union

This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Call HORIZON-CL2-2021-DEMOCRACY-01 – Grant agreement n°101061621

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