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Work Package No WP4
Digitalisation Project management
Co-Lead TalTech & NUPI
Participating Institutions TalTech, NUPI, CBS, ECFR
Activity March ’24 – Feb ’27
Short description
The WP4 team will map the different forms and sites of digital and cybersecurity governance and the extent to which the EU can participate and lead in digital governance.
Main objectives
Map global digital governance, with a focus on the identified case studies.
Examine the concept of sustainable digitalization in the EU and provide an assessment of strengths and opportunities for the EU to achieve sustainable digitalization.
Identify current and potential pathway actions for the EU to shape global digital policy space, especially digital governance and cybersecurity.
Core tasks
Multilateral engagement in a distributed domain March ’24 – March ’25
In this task TalTech and NUPI, with inputs from ECFR, will collate existing information and collect new data on the various forms and sites of digital policymaking and regulation. Considering the distinct technopolitical zones of China and the USA, alongside the significant degree of corporate power within the US-led digital sphere, this task focuses on how the distributed nature of digital governance creates new forms of public-private hybrid governance. CBS will contribute with inputs on the SWIFT payment system. A first step will be to collect data on the various forms of governance and add these to the NAVIGATOR data-nest. In addition, we will produce a working paper with a focus on current venues and processes shaping digital and cybersecurity governance. The working paper will be presented at the International Studies Association’s annual conference, and then revised and submitted as an academic article to the European Journal of International Relations.
EU’s Sustainable Digitalization April ’24 – Dec. ’26
In this task TalTech and NUPI, with inputs from ECFR, will examine the EU’s varied and multipronged approach to digital governance, as well as its evolution over time, collecting data to upload to the NAVIGATOR data-nest. Subsequently, we will examine the concept of sustainable digitalization, and how is approached and achieved in the EU, providing an assessment of EU’s strengths and opportunities regarding sustainable digitalization and how it can impact on multilateral efforts in digitalisation. We will also draw on the European, global, and transatlantic surveys to map perceptions of European influence on digital governance vis-à-vis key powers such as China, Russia, and the US. This will include an analysis of the SWIFT payment system by CBS. This task will result in a working paper to be presented at the International Studies Association annual conference. The paper will be submitted to Internet Policy Review on the concept of sustainable digitalization and the EU’s ability to lead in shaping digital and cyber governance.
NAVIGATOR in the digital domain Aug. ’26 - Feb. ‘27
Here TalTech/NUPI, with input from other partners, will distil data and lessons from the first two tasks into an Global NAVIGATOR policy brief including evidence-based recommendations for how the EU can design and contribute additional features to improve digital and cybersecurity governance. We will develop a blueprint for exporting respective technical, techno-societal, regulatory and other elements to other jurisdictions independently and in collaboration with other stakeholders.
D4.1 month 24 – Feb.’25
Working paper on institutional landscape of global digitalisation governance
D4.2 month 36 – Feb.’26
Working paper on the role of the EU and European actors in global digitalisation
D4.3 month 48 – Feb.’27
Global NAVIGATOR policy brief on digitalization