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Work Package No WP5
Name Finance and Tax
Lead CBS
Participating Institutions CBS, UNB, VU, TalTech
Activity March ’24 – Feb ’27
Short description
The WP5 team will map the different forms and sites of financial and tax governance and the extent to which the EU can participate and lead in digital governance.
Main objectives
Map the relevant governance configurations identifying their multilateral pegs and the variation between thin and thick multilateralism settings.
Use this mapping exercise to understand how coordination in finance and tax is proceeding and identify policy priorities and opportunities for the EU and its member states within global finance and tax governance.
Identify key pathways of action for the EU and its member states in global finance and tax.
Core tasks
Mapping the complex multilateral governance domain of finance and tax date
In this task CBS will take the lead in mapping the institutional landscape on finance and tax paying special attention to multilateral actors and the overlapping private and hybrid governance networks. This will result in an upload to the NAVIGATOR data nest. Within this broader exercise, in this task we will produce specific maps of the governance of three key issues for the WP: green finance and the role of central banks (with contributions from VU); cross-border flows; SWIFT payment system (with contributions from TalTech); and corporate tax. Further, we will identify the keyways in which the EU and its institutions operate in these governance frameworks. This exercise will feed into a comparative working paper that will be presented at the Council for European Studies conference and form the basis of an academic paper to be submitted to New Political Economy.
Analyse the EU’s role and that of EU actors in developing knowledge and governance frameworks April ’24 – Dec. ’26
This task will focus on processes of knowledge creation and will identify the networks of expertise and policymaking that inform EU governance and the EU’s influence in multilateral governance mechanisms in the areas of finance and tax. The task will initially result in a data upload to the NAVIGATOR data nest. The task will analyse the epistemic processes of governance and the strategic alliances between public and private actors that produce governance settings. This is both for areas where the EU has explicit competence as well as in areas where the EU is a pole among several and is using both its formal position and its ideational leadership for influence. Empirically, the WP will look at the intersection of green finance work by Central Banks and the EU’s role in promoting a green agenda with its economic policies (with contributions from VU), the work to render global financial flows more seamless, and the role of SWIFT (with contributions from TalTech), and the EU, OECD, and global-level activity on corporate taxation. The results of this task will be a working paper presented at the meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socioeconomics and will be submitted for publication to Review of International Political Economy.
Identifying governance settings and actors that facilitate global participation and engagement Aug. ’26 - Feb. ‘27
For this task, CBS will take the lead in reviewing the conceptual and empirical material from tasks 1 and 2 and producing a Global NAVIGATOR Policy Brief that explicitly tackles questions of EU global influence and leadership in finance and tax, identifying specific arenas of multilateral governance and cooperation that are most appropriate for furthering EU influence and interests.
D5.1 month 24 – Feb.’25
Working paper on institutional landscape of global finance and tax governance
D5.2 month 36 – Feb.’26
Working paper on the role of the EU and European actors in global finance and tax
D5.3 month 48 – Feb.’27
Global NAVIGATOR policy brief on finance and tax